The Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) Workplan 2022-2025 provides an overview of activities related to 5 current projects that DDSD is working on. This workplan identifies the major tasks and milestones for these projects over the next three years and where these projects overlap, there are other projects that DDSD is working on.
DDSD Update of Regulations and System of Care Plan, 2022
The Regulations Implementing the Developmental Disabilities Act of 1996 have been updated with an effective date of 3/2/2023.
State System of Care Plan FY23-25
System of Care Plan Changes Summary FY23-25
The Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL), in partnership with the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA), is working on a major Payment Reform initiative for Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).
Designated Agencies; State Oversight of Services Could Be Improved, But Duplication Payments Not Widespread
Report of the Vermont State Auditor on the State of Vermont's oversight of eleven nonprofit designated agencies (DAs). It includes a summary of the process, outcomes and recommendations for the Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living and the Department of Mental Health. Efforts continue to address the recommendations.
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule
In March 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) adopted the Home and Community-Based (HCBS) Final Rule. The Final Rule intends to "enhance the quality of HCBS and provide additional protections to individuals that receive services..." CMS gave an implementation date of March 17, 2023 for this Rule.
Innovation Think Tank
The “Innovation Think Tank” for Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) brought together people who receive services, family members, advocates, provider agency staff, Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living staff and other state partners and stakeholders to share ideas about the future of developmental disabilities services in Vermont. It will help the Department, working in collaboration with stakeholders and partners, to focus efforts and resources on initiatives that will help us to achieve our mission and that are in line with our shared values.
Intensive Transition Supports Initiative
The intention of the Intensive Transition Supports Initiative is to provide time-limited supports for recipients of DD Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) who are experiencing a crisis, and whose current needs exceed other available clinical and crisis supports in the DD services system.
Mobile Crisis Services Planning Grant
The Vermont Agency of Human Services (AHS) is one of 20 states that received a federal planning grant to support expanding community-based mobile crisis intervention services for Medicaid beneficiaries. This is an important opportunity to build on the State's crisis services in developing a statewide community-based mobile crisis response system that meets the needs of people experiencing a mental health or substance use disorder crisis. Comprehensive mobile crisis services can help to improve health and wellbeing of all Vermonters.
National Core Indicators, DDSD Vermont
National Core Indicators (NCI) is a collaborative effort between participating states, (which Vermont is one of 47), the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI) and the National Association of Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS). The purpose of the program is to support NASDDDS member agencies to gather a standard set of performance and outcome measures that can be used to track their own performance over time, to compare results across states, and to establish national benchmarks.
Person Centered Thinking
Person centered thinking is a set of principles and core competencies that is the foundation for person centered planning. Person centered Planning is a guided process for learning how someone wants to live at home, at work or in the community and developing a plan to help make it happen.
Post Secondary Education Initiative (PSEI)
In 2009, the Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD), the Agency of Education, DDS agencies, and post-secondary programs began developing supports for transition age youth to attend college or to intern in specialized work provided by host businesses. The goal is competitive employment and skill development for independent living. With the help of their support programs, students have been achieving great outcomes. Most are employed at or soon after graduation from a PSEI program and, each year, several students go on to obtain higher degrees.
Supported Decision Making (SDM)
Supported decision-making (SDM) is a term used to describe a series of relationships, practices, arrangements, and agreements designed to assist an individual with a disability to make and communicate to others decisions about their life.
Supported Employment Pilot
The Vermont Developmental Disabilities Services 2014 “Imagine the Future” Task Force considered the work of the Employer Contracted Work Supports Group which was tasked with exploring new and innovative strategies and improving quality of work supports and service options for service recipients.
Previous Projects and Initiatives