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Proposed Changes to the Regulations Implementing the DD Act of 1996

Information regarding changes being proposed by the Department to the Regulations Implementing the DD Act of 1996. 

The first document is an annotated version of the Regulations with the exact changes being proposed.

DD Act Regulations Draft Revisions 2022

  • New language that is being proposed to be added to the Regulations appear in red font and is underlined. 
  • Language that is being proposed to be removed from the Regulations appears in red font with a strikeout line through it. 

This is the version of the proposed changes that were submitted to the DDS State Program Standing Committee on 3/17/22 for their input.

Opportunities for Public Input

The first step in making changes to the Regulations Implementing the DD Act of 1996 was for the Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL) to review them and determine if changes were needed based on any changes to State or Federal rules.  Then the Department reviewed other changes that might be needed to bring the Regulations up to date with other changes in practice.  The Department completed that review and drafted the proposed changes.  The changes were submitted to the DDS State Program Standing Committee for input on 3/17/22.  The committee had an additional 30 days to provide written feedback. 

List of Proposed Changes to DD Act Regulations

Summary of Major Proposed Changes to Regulations Implementing the Developmental Disabilities Act of 1996 - Plain Language


The Department may then make revisions to the draft prior to filing the proposed rule changes to the Interagency Committee on Administrative Rules (ICAR). After the review by ICAR, the Department will file the proposed rule changes with the Secretary of State’s office.  They will then advertise the public comment period in local newspapers and the Department will post it on the website.  The notice will include information about the rule change and when and where there will be public hearings to gather input. It will also note how to provide written comments and the deadline to do so.  DAIL will send information to a broad range of stakeholders interested in DDS regarding the public comment period.

This website will be updated as opportunities for public input are scheduled.