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To assist you in finding some of the most commonly used policies, guidelines, procedures and memos for Developmental Disabilities Services Division, links are provided below. (Listed alphabetically by document name.)
Abuse Allegations through Facilitated Communication Guidelines - Guidance for Vermont developmental disabilities services agencies, schools and other organizations on the process to follow in the event a person using facilitated communication makes an allegation of abuse, neglect or exploitation.
Accessing and Maintaining Medicaid for DD Services - This notice provides clarification about the process for applying for Medicaid by means of being found eligible for developmental disability home and community-based services.
Aging Out of Custody Process - Transitioning to Adult Developmental Services from DCF Custody - guidelines to accompany "Team Responsibilities Checklist".
Behavior Support Guidelines for Support Workers Paid with Developmental Services Funds - These Guidelines outline the types of interventions that support workers paid with developmental disability services funds may use to support behavior change and also the steps to follow when restriction of rights or restraints are required.
Bridge Program: Care Coordination for Children with Developmental Disabilities Guidelines - These guidelines outline the rules, procedures, documentation and reporting requirements, and include the forms related to the operation of the Bridge Program.
Community Notification and Safety Procedures for Sex Offenders with Developmental Disabilities, Rescinding Memo - This 2014 memo outlines the changes to the community notification and safety procedures for sex offenders with developmental disabilities.
Communication Plan Guidelines - These Guidelines describe what supports an individual needs for them to communicate effectively in a variety of settings. It also includes tips on how to create a communication plan, who needs copies of the plan, and supplemental information and resources.
Coordinated Services Plan Facilitation Guide
Critical Incident Reporting (CIR) Guidelines - Detailed requirements for critical incident report, including critical incident report form. (Critical Incident Reporting Form)
Critical Incident Reporting follow-up process
Critical Incident Report (internal) Process
DA_SSA Boundary Issues Guidance
DAIL Background Check Policy - Performing background checks on individuals who work with vulnerable people is a component of preventing abuse, neglect and exploitation. This policy describes when a background check is required, give the components of a background check, and what is done if a background check reveals a potential problem.
Department of Labor Home Care Rule: Application of the Fair Labor Standards Act to Domestic Service
A memo by DAIL about the US Department of Labor rule governing the Fair Labor Standards Act for minimum wage and overtime protections to direct care workers.
DDSD EVV Guidance - This document provides guidance for Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) for Developmental Disabilities Services.
DDSD Encounter Data Submission Guidance for Home and Community-Based Services: This document provides instruction and information on submission of DDSD encounter claims, procedure codes and modifiers, and provider requirements and responsibilities. It can be expected that the guidance and process for reporting to the MMIS will require additional adjustments, guidance and process modifications as providers begin reporting.
DDSD Medicaid Claim Codes & Reimbursement Rates- This document provides DDSD Medicaid claim codes and reimbursement rates.
DDSD Services Codes and Definitions for Home and Community-Based Services: This document provides a list of the available DD Home and Community-Based Services that are provided by Designated Agencies and Specialized Service Agencies or through self/family-managed services. The list includes the service definitions and Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) Encounter claim codes for each service category.
DDSD Group Home Referral Process
DOL Procedure to request increased funding
End of Life Care Decision Making Guidelines - A Developmental Disabilities Services Division policy that outlines the role of the public guardian when needing to make critical health care decision or do advance care planning for adults with developmental disabilities for whom they are guardian. It includes an outline of the role of the Ethics Committee.
Education and Support of Sexuality Policy - This document provides a clear statement about the rights of individuals receiving developmental disability services to learn about the risks and responsibilities of expressing their sexuality.
Enhanced Medicaid Dental Benefits: Explanation of expanded dental benefits through Medicaid for adults aged 21 and over who receive "Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS) Waiver" funding (also known as Community-Based Services"). These benefits went into effect on 7/1/23.
Equity and Public Safety Funding Process
Family Managed Respite (FMR) Program Guidelines - Developmental Disabilities Services Division Family Managed Respite Programs
Flexible Family Funding (FFF) Guidelines - The Flexible Family Funding Program offers support to individuals with developmental disabilities and families to enhance their ability to live together.
Guide for People who are Self- or Family-Managing Medicaid-Funding Developmental Services - This document is designed to help people who wish to self- or family-manage their services understand what tasks are required and who is responsible for seeing that those tasks are accomplished.
Guidelines for the OPG (Office of Public Guardian) Fund
Guidelines for Title 14 Guardianship Evaluation
Guidelines for Title 18 Guardianship Evaluation
Health and Wellness Guidelines - These guidelines were created because the Developmental Disabilities Services Division is responsible for insuring the health and safety of people who receive Medicaid-funded developmental disability services.
(DD) Home and Community-Based Services Spreadsheet and Encounter Codes Crosswalk - This document provides a crosswalk for the DD HCBS services between the obsolete MSR codes and the new MMIS encounter claim codes. It also lists the relevant HCBS spreadsheet column for each service.
Home and Community Based Field Visit Guidelines - Best safety practices for staff who are carrying out field tasks.
(DD) Home and Community Based Services Spreadsheet Manual for SSAs and DAs- This manual provides guidance to Designated Agencies and Specialized Service Agencies on how to use and make changes to the DDS Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) spreadsheets.
(DD) Home and Community Based Services Spreadsheet Manual for TII - This manual provides guidance to Transition II on how to use and make changes to the DD Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) spreadsheets.
Home Visit Requirements for Developmental Disability Services - These requirements outline the frequency of home visits made by service coordinators to assure the stability of home support and the well-being of people with developmental disabilities.
Housing Safety and Accessibility Review Process Protocol - The Review Process outlines the Housing Safety and Accessibility Reviews that are conducted by DDSD to assess safety and accessibility of all relevant residential and agency community support sites.
Human Rights Committee Guidelines - These guidelines describe the purpose and operations of the Human Rights Committee, in its role to safeguard the human rights of people receiving developmental disability services in Vermont.
Individual Support Agreement (ISA) Guidelines - An Individual Support Agreement is a contract between the individual, the guardian (if there is a guardian), and the provider(s). If the individual is managing all or some of their supports, they are required to have an Individual Support Agreement (ISA). The agreement addresses the individuals' needs that the individual, designated agency, and others have prioritized through an individualized planning process.
Individual Support Agreement (ISA) Variance Request form - This form is completed by the individual's service coordinator.
Link to Social Security Guide for Organizational Rep Payees: https://www.ssa.gov/payee/NewGuide/toc.htm
Local Interagency TEAMS (LIT) Guidance
Medicaid Eligibility and Placement Out of State - This document provides information to assist individuals who receive Vermont developmental disability Medicaid home and community-based services funding and who live out-of-state for the purposes of receiving "treatment" (i.e., shared living/developmental home) to not lose their Vermont Medicaid or SSI.
Medicaid Manual for Developmental Disability Services- The Medicaid provider manual details the procedures for Medicaid-funded developmental disability services. This manual only outlines requirements for reimbursement of Title XIX services (Social Security Act covering Medicaid) including fee-for-service and home and community-based services.site
One Time Funding Reporting Instructions
One Time Funding Reporting Clarified
Peggy's Law (Home Provider/Respite Worker Disclosure Law) - In May 2002, a law was passed in Vermont (18 V.S.A. Chapter 171 § 7103) to assure that home providers and day/overnight respite workers have relevant information about individuals in the mental health system in order to make informed decisions about whether to provide care for the individual in their own home.
Protocols for Evaluating Less Restrictive Placements & Supports for People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Who Pose a Risk to Public Safety - These protocols establish guidelines for Developmental Disabilities Service Agencies to follow when evaluating less restrictive supervision and placements for people with developmental disabilities who pose a risk to public safety. The intent is to move people towards greater independence consistent with the needs of public safety. These protocols are to be followed for all persons who receive public safety funds as part of their home and community-based supports budget.
Qualified Developmental Disabilities Professionals (QDDP) Protocol - This document explains the Developmental Disabilities Services Division definition, qualifications, roles, and endorsement of qualified developmental disabilities professionals.
Interim Quality Services Review (QSR) Memo and Process - Developmental Disabilities Services Interim Quality Services Review Process, effective January 2024 through July 2025.
Quality Review Process of Developmental Disabilities Services, Guidelines - The Quality Services Review (QSR) process has been developed by the Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) in collaboration with service providers,
individuals, and families, and is based on the DDAS consumer outcomes.
Room and Board Guideline, Personal Spending Allowed- This memo is to communicate the room and board amount and minimum personal spending allowed under the Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL) Room and Board Standards.
Self and Family Managed Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Agreement
Supervised Billing Provider Manual
Transfer of Documents when Changing Providers: Guidelines for Agencies – Guidance to agencies regarding the timely transfer of service records when an individual receiving services is transferring from one agency to another.
Variance Procedures for Direct Support Workers
Variances for background checks - instructions
Variances - Age and High School Diploma procedure
Vermont Facilitated Communication Guidelines - These guidelines provide formalized standard practice regarding the processes (orientation, assessment, team planning, training and review) that assure that facilitated communication is used appropriately and effectively.
Vermont State System of Care Plan for Developmental Disabilities Services (SOCP) - Three Year Plan FY2023 - FY2025. Effective January 1, 2023. This plan describes the nature, extent, allocation and timing of services that will be provided to people with developmental disabilities and their families. The Three Year Plan and any subsequent Updates make up the complete plan for the current year.
Billing Units Clarification Memo - clarification of threshold for monthly (PMPM) billing DDSD Home and Community-based services
Billing HCBS during hospitalizations 2003 - waiver billing during hospitalizations
Bridge Program Policy Change - Effective March 15, 2023 the Department of Vermont Health Access has approved the concurrent billing of Bridge Care Coordination with the Department of Mental Health's Concurrent Rehab and Treatment
CBA July 2022 to ARIS employers - State of Vermont and the Local 4802 of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council, negotiated a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
CIR Reporting 2022 - Requirement for agencies to submit Critical Incident Reports (CIR) for negative COVID-19 tests.
Coordination of IFS and DD Services - follow-up of Coordination of Integrated Family Services and Developmental Disabilities Services (DDS)
DA SSA Rate Increase July 2021 - Instructions for use of funds related to rate increase for DAs and SSAs
DAIL Rescinding Bonus Policy - a memo rescinding that the Bonus Policy was never finalized or approved by the Department.
DDSD Crisis Intervention Services Rate Increase - the fee for service Medicaid reimbursement rate for DS Crisis Intervention Services is increasing.
DDSD PHE End Date - Public Health Emergency End Date
DDSD Public Safety Practices and Protocol - protocol for evaluating less restrictive placements and supports for people with IDD whose pose a risk to public safety
DOL Paying Workers/Providers overtime - due to Department of Labor (DOL) "Home Care" Rule; Family-Managed REspit, DD services and TBI
End of Background Check and Flexibilities - ARIS Solutions and DAIL stating the end of temporary background check flexibilities
FFF background check policy - Background checks are a required for respite workers hired by families using Flexible Family Funding (FFF)
FY23 CBA Increase Instructions
Local Crisis Funding - Terminations SFY2023
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - between DAIL, DDSD, DCF and FSD for children in custody
Proper DDSD Timesheet-Invoice Codes through ARIS
Room and Board - 2025 Standards Update
Shared HCBS Suspension - Shared Funding for Children with complex MH and DD needs
SOCP Extension - State System of Care Plan Extension Request & Response to H.243 of 2021 Legislative Session
Standards for timesheet submission - Guidance on establishing standards on timely submission of timesheets
Telehealth Place of Service (POS)
Update on Requesting a Unified Service Plan (USP)
- What is USP
- USP checklist
- USP MOU and Operating Protocol
- USP Process for Children's Services Specialist
MISC Documents