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Housing Safety and Accessibility - Resources

The housing safety and accessibility inspections (known as Assessments in the Housing Portal) that are conducted for the shared living homes funded by the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living (DAIL) are entered into a web-based database portal through the Salesforce platform.

Accessibility Resources (Possible resources for funding, communication, modifications)

DAIL Housing Accessibility Assessment Forms

DAIL Housing - Assessment Status Definitions - A quick reference to the different Assessment Status and the meaning for each.

DAIL Housing Inspection and Accessibility Portal Manual for Service Coordinators - A manual for the DAIL Housing Portal for Service Coordinators.  The DAIL Housing application and process is continually evolving and there may be some areas in this manual that have been updated since its publishing.  The Service Coordinator should contact the Super User at their agency to obtain any updates to this information.

DAIL Housing Portal Trainings

DAIL Housing Pre-Inspection for Accessibility Assessment (SAMPLE) - A sample of the information needed on the Pre-Inspection for the Accessibility Assessment which will assist the Accessibility Contractor in evaluating the Participant's ability to freely navigate the home environment.

DAIL Housing Safety Forms

Egress Windows - Division of Fire Safety Code for Egress Windows. (Includes window measurements)

Home Safety Inspection, Quick Reference - A two page, quick reference of some items that will be inspected during the DAIL Home Safety Inspection.   This quick reference will help the Provider Agency to identify issues during the pre-inspection process so they may be corrected prior to the inspection.   (PowerPoint from the Evergreen training which includes this information and more, 8/17/22.)    

Home Safety Variance Flow Chart and Home Safety Variance for Additional Time Flow Chart

Naming Conventions - Documents, Housing Portal - Required naming conventions to be used for all documents and photos that are uploaded into the Housing Portal.

Pre-Inspection Process - Quick Guide - A quick overview of the Pre-Inspection Housing Safety Assessment process.

DAIL Home Safety Inspection Overview for Shared Living Providers - An overview of the shared living home inspection process that agencies can give to shared living providers (SLPs.) DAIL encourages agencies to provide this informational sheet prior to the inspection to help the SLP have an understanding of what will happen during the inspection. 

DAIL Home Safety Inspection Overview for Provider Agency - An overview of the shared living home inspection process for provider agencies. 

Shared Location Process - Flow Chart - If an agency receives a Shared Location request, timely action needs to be taken on the request even if the agency does not have a Participant placed in the home.   Please refer to the Manual above, or contact DAIL for assistance. 

Smoke Detectors & Carbon Monoxide Detectors - Guidance about smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors, placement of fire extinguisher in kitchen, Fire Escape Safety Plan requirements, and more.