Facilitated Communication (FC) - Facilitated Communication (FC) is a form of alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) in which people with disabilities and communication impairments express themselves by pointing at pictures, letters or objects and by typing on a keyboard. The method involves a communication partner who provides a variety of types of supports and training to help people develop the skills necessary to access communication boards and devices independently and to communicate effectively.
Services for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deafblind - Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL) website page of services available for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deafblind.
Telecommunication Equipment Distribution Program (VTEDP) - A program funded by the state of Vermont to help income-eligible Vermonters who have trouble using a telephone and need adaptive equipment.
Vermont Assistive Technology Program (ATP) - The vision of the Assistive Tehcnology Program is that all individuals with disabilities receive the assistive technology they need and want, and that the benefits of assistive devices and technologies figure prominently in the minds of consumers, policy makers, and service providers.
Vermont Center for Independent Living (VCIL) - The Vermont Center for Independent Living (VCIL), a nonprofit organization directed and staffed by individuals with disabilities, works to promote the dignity, independence and civil rights of Vermonters with disabilities. They provide information, referral and assistance, and manages a number of programs that offer assistance around assistive technology and accomodations.
Vermont Communication Support Project - The Vermont Communication Support Project (VCSP) provides specialized accommodations that assist individuals who have disabilities that impact their ability to communicate. The VCSP offers communication supportin court and administrative proceedings, as well as with attorneys or agency personnel meetings.
Vermont Communication Task Force - The purpose of the Vermont Communication Task Force (VCTF) is to improve supports for communication for transition age youth and adults with developmental disabilities so that they can communicate more effectively in order to participate more fully in community life. The Task Force provides information, education, training and resources to people with disabilities, family members, service providers and community members.
Vancro Integrated Interpreting Services (VIIS)- Provides state-wide interpreting referral services for American Sign Language (ASL) English assignments in settings such as governmental, mental health, medical, legal, employment, educational, civil, and recreational. They serve all Vermonters (Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, and hearing) in need of securing a sign language interpreter and enhance communication access.
Vermont Telecommunications Relay Service - Vermont Relay provides several different relay service options including TTY, CapTel (captioned telephone), Hearing/Voice Carry Over, and TeleBraille as well as Relay Conference Captioning (RCC) at no cost to those who live and work in the state of Vermont.
White Coat Captioning – White Coat Captioning is a premiere live captioning company that provides remote and onsite captioning for conferences, classes, and special events.
Americans with Disability Act (ADA)
- The Americans with Disability Act of 1990 and Revised ADA Regulations Implementing Title II and Title III
- United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division