A one-day retreat was held on May 2, 2018 at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee involving people who receive services, family members, advocates, provider agency staff, Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living (DAIL) staff and other state partners and stakeholders. The information obtained from this retreat will help the Department identify the most important things to preserve, improve, and develop in the system of support for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. It will help the Department, working in collaboration with stakeholders and partners, to focus efforts and resources on initiatives that will help us to achieve our mission and that are in line with our shared values.
Most of the day was spent in small breakout sessions on the following topics: Residential Options, Community Supports, Employment Supports, Clinical and Crisis Services, and Hiring, Training and Keeping Workers. Prior to the retreat, informational sheets for each breakout sessions were compiled and shared with the participants. All the input from each breakout session was recorded. DDS then summarized the key concepts from each session.
DDS System Values - This set of system's values was compiled for the Innovation Think Tank Retreat.
Summary of Key Concepts - Summary of key concepts based on retreat breakout session input.
Retreat breakout sessions Input - This input represents the unedited ideas from the session participants.
Residential Options
Community Supports
Employment Supports
Clinical and Crisis Services
Hiring, Training, and Keeping Workers
Information sheet for breakout sessions - Informational sheets distributed to the participants prior to the retreat
Residential Options
Community Supports
Employment Supports
Clinical and Crisis Services
Hiring, Training, and Keeping Workers