DDSD Workplan for 2022-2025
The Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) Workplan 2022-2025 provides an overview of activities related to 5 current projects that DDSD is working on. These projects include:
The Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) Workplan 2022-2025 provides an overview of activities related to 5 current projects that DDSD is working on. These projects include:
The Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) has gathered input for proposed changes to the Vermont State System of Care Plan for Developmental Disabilities Services FY2023-FY2025. Over the course of 3 months, DDSD held 17 forums to obtain stakeholder feedback and input regarding SOCP changes.Some of the forums targeted specific areas of focus: Housing, Paying Parents and Autism Services, while others were General Input Forums.
Information regarding changes being proposed by the Department to the Regulations Implementing the DD Act of 1996.
The first document is an annotated version of the Regulations with the exact changes being proposed.
Below is a document which describes the process for updating the Regulations Implementing the DD Act of 1996 and the Vermont State System of Care Plan for Developmental Disabilities Services. Work on updating these started in the fall of 2021 with an anticipated implementation date of the fall of 2022. The PowerPoint below was used to present the status of the Department’s efforts to date to the House Human Services legislative committee.