Shared Living
Housing Accessibility Modification Reimbursement Process
Provider Agencies may be reimbursed up to $1,000.00 per Participant for costs incurred for implementing home modifications within the 45-day timeline requirement. The modification(s) must be listed on the Accessibility Contractors report, and reimbursement requests may ONLY be submitted for approved Accessibility Assessments performed by the DAIL Housing Accessibility Contractor.
DAIL Housing Inspection and Accessibility Portal Manual for Provider Agency
DAIL Housing Inspection and Accessibility Portal Manual for Provider Agency - A Provider Agency user manual for the DAIL Housing Portal. The DAIL Housing application and process is continually evolving and there may be some areas in this manual that have been updated since its publishing. The Service Coordinator should contact the Super User at their agency to obtain any updates to this information.
DAIL Housing Accessibility Assessment Forms
DAIL Housing Pre-Inspection for Accessibility Assessment (Fillable Form) - The DAIL Housing Pre-Inspection for Accessibility Assessment form is used by the Providing Agencies in the pre-inspection of a home, prior to contacting the DAIL Contractor to schedule a Accessibility Assessment.
DAIL Housing Accessibility Assessment Guidance and Policies
Accessibility Inspection, Timeline for Completion - Memo from the Adult Services Division (ASD) regarding a change in the timeline for completing an Accessibility Inspection for Adult Family Care providers and Brain Injury providers.
Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
DAIL follows the “Residential Single Station Smoke Alarm (Detector) Installation Guidelines” of the Fire and Building Safety Code. (National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) Life Safety Code and the VT State Laws). Please note that DAIL can require additional standards above and beyond this guidance.