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Category: Guideline
Title File Category Date File Format
Family Managed Respite (FMR) Program Guidelines FMR_Guidelines_Final_2023.pdf (304.95 KB) Guideline July 1, 2023 PDF
Supportive ISO Provider Standards Supportive_ISO_Provider_Standards 9.1.23_final.pdf (261.79 KB) Guideline August 9, 2023 PDF
Category: Agenda
Title File Category Date File Format
SPSC July 20,2023 agenda SPSC_July_20_2023_Agenda.pdf (172.3 KB) Agenda July 18, 2023 PDF
DS SPSC Committe August 17 2023 Agenda SPSC_August_17_2023_Agenda.pdf (208.57 KB) Agenda August 10, 2023 PDF
Category: Informational
Title File Category Date File Format
SPSC June 2023 Meeting minutes SPSC_June_2023_minutes_approved.pdf (122 KB) Informational July 25, 2023 PDF
Category: Form
Title File Category Date File Format
Critical Incident Reporting Form CIR_Reporting_Form_update_2023.pdf (238.14 KB) Form July 26, 2023 PDF
Category: Training
Title File Category Date File Format
Home Safety Inspection Training by Evergreen, PowerPoint 7/26/23 DAIL_Safety_Inspection_Tng_Evergreen_2023-07-26.pdf (9.28 MB) Training July 26, 2023 PDF
How to Write Communication Plans Training How_to_Write_Communication_Plans_Training_PowerPoint.pdf (10.21 MB) Training August 15, 2023 PDF
Category: Policies and Guidelines
Title File Category Date File Format
Self and Family Managed Home & HCBS Agreement SF_Mgmt_Agreement_Updated _1.23.pdf (146.21 KB) Policies and Guidelines August 1, 2023 PDF
Category: Manual
Title File Category Date File Format
Naming Conventions: Documents, Provider Agency User Manual DAIL_Housing-NamingConventions-AgencyUserManual.pdf (256.78 KB) Manual August 15, 2023 PDF