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Support Plan For Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)

After an individual has been found eligible for home and community-based services, the funding request has been approved, and a service provider has been selected, the Designated Agency (DA)/Specialized Service Agency (SSA), or the Independent Support Broker if self/familiy-managing, along with the individual and his/her team, will develop a plan for supports.  This plan is called an Individualized Support Agreement (ISA).  Th

Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR)

Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) is a federally required process (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987) that prevents individuals with mental illness, intellectual disability, or a related condition from being admitted to nursing facilities until a full assessment is made and the least restrictive, most appropriate person-centered services are recommended to meet the individual's medical and disability-related needs.

Act 248 Info

The focus of the Public Safety Program is to keep the community and past victims safe while providing treatment and supervision to individuals with developmental disabilities who pose a risk to public safety.  The Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DDSD) coordinates statewide supports for offenders with developmental disabilities through a variety of activities. For a commonly asked questions regarding Act 248 refer to the Act 248 Info sheet.

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