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Conflict of Interest in Case Management

The Federal rules about Conflict of Interest in the delivery of Case Management services may require the Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL), Developmental Disabilities Services Division, to make some changes in the way case management is provided. Department of Vermont Health Access website with link to Federal rules

Six public input forums to obtain feedback were scheduled around the state for individuals who receive services, family members, advocacy organizations, providers and any other stakeholders interested in Developmental Disabilities Services.  Information was presented at the forums about 4 options for the structure of case management in DS services, and 7 strategies for reducing conflicts, and feedback on these options were obtained.   Presentations were also provided, and feedback obtained, at Green Mountain Self Advocates (GMSA), the Developmental Disabilities Council (DD Council), the DAIL Advisory Board, and the Developmental Services State Program Standing Committee (DS SPSC).  For individuals who were unable to attend a forum or presentation, a webinar of the presentation was posted online. (COI_Webinar.)  Feedback was collected at the forums, the presentations, through Survey Monkey online, and through forms that were sent through the mail, and through e-mail.  This input has been compiled and can be found on the Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) website.  

The State will review the feedback that was received and develop a plan on how the State should move forward based upon this feedback, be in contact with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to ensure that the direction the State is heading is likely to be approved by CMS, obtain statewide feedback on the drafted plan and make any necessary changes, submit a final plan to CMS for approval, and implement the new, approved plan.

Vermont Case Management Standards (CME) Input Flyer - there are four (4) Public Feedback Community Forums via Zoom to hear what you think.  Each meeting is planned to giver different groups a safe space to speak.

Case Management Certification Standards - DRAFT

Information about the Federal rules and the State's efforts to date.